How might your life be different?
How might your life have been different, if, deep within, you carried an image of the Great Mother?
How might your life be different?
peering into blue space...
... what will woman be?
... not yet fully seen
... not yet fully revealed
... but coming
... coming
... what will woman be?
"Just be yourself!" - That's the most commonly used phrase of many self-help books. But that automatically raises the question: Who am I?
Like the famous quote from Odon von Horvath suggests: “I'm actually quite different, but I get around to it so rarely.” many of us go through life with an idea of who or what we are but how can we be sure that this is our own true-self?
Some may say: ”I am many” – hinting that we are made up by many different personalities; defined by the roles we take on through our lifetime, by our shape and form, by our gender, name or social status but is this not only a concept that we create, the “I” or the ego? A mental construct on that basis we have a sense of personal identity?
When we talk about the river Seine, what do we describe? The water in the river is changing, the banks are changing, the river bed and shape is changing... We all see something different when we visit today, in three weeks or in the years ahead. We refer to the concept that we have of the river, but not the river itself.
We perceive things as permanent even though they are changing moment by moment. The one thing that is permanent is the ego; the picture that we have of ourselves. Letting go of the ego can be eerie as we may not be used to defining ourselves through something that has no fixed essence but our true self is exactly that - a wonderful complex flow.
Life is about change, it forms us; but we as well transform – ourselves and our environment - with our thoughts and deeds. On our individual journey back to our true-selves, we should always raise the question: “What kind of person would I like to be?” We always have the choice and can change course at any given moment.
When we manage to look at ourselves like our soul came in contact with our body for the first time, I believe we can remain who we are and who we would like to be – a constant surprise to ourselves.
By Anna Rossberg
Transit of Venus - Wed, 6 June 2012
On the 5th and 6th June 2012 the planet Venus will pass
across the face of the Sun and this is called a Venus Transit.
It is among that rarest of planetary alignments and only 7 of them have happened since the invention of the
They happen in pairs with 8 years in between them. The dates
of previous ones have been 1631 and 1639, then 1761 and 1769, followed by 1874 and 1882 and then finally 2004 which was the opener to a pair which will see the second event in
Venus and the Sun do cross over regularly, but ordinarily Venus passes our star high or low instead of moving across the Sun’s face. This event actually has more impact in
terms of meaning because of this. We have to understand that a Venus Transit is like an eclipse. Electromagnetic force lines and plasma flux ropes will cross over.
Imagine a piece of string going from Earth to the Sun and one from Earth to the Venus too. It's as if the
strings will cross each other and vibrations pass down the string.
So what is the meaning of this in astrology? To find that out we have to explore the events around the last 3 pairs of Venus Transits and see if there are any similarities in
world events. For what happened then will happen again now, taking into account cultural differences.
Let's look at what happened before.....
From 1631 to 1639
A new world view was emerging, beginning with Galileo’s insistence that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe, the Sun was. Another influence was Rene Descartes who brought order to thought
and something of a revolution in the intellectual life of Western man. The Catholic Church remained powerful, but was challenged.
A new generation of communicating European scientists were making nonsense of theories that had been rock solid for generations with microscopes and other inventions. They sought answers to motion
and dynamics; things that had been unquestioned because they were holy and under God’s control. Authority and power was shifting.….and chocolate
had arrived. (yyesss!!)
From 1761 to 1769
After a spectacular year of military successes in 1759, Britain signed peace treaties with France and Spain in 1763. Britain was now the dominant power in North America. However, the American
Revolution started brewing at this time and the Anglican Church was ousted in 1761. Exploration for the achievement of scientific knowledge began with Captain Cook’s mission to Tahiti. (Vanilla to go with the chocolate?) He makes an unprecedented contribution to the knowledge of the Pacific. An industrial
revolution occurred in Britain and the first of the mills, factories and canals were opened.
From 1874 to 1882
There were huge leaps in technology, electricity for public use and the telephone, light bulb and recording equipment were all invented. The Theosophical Society and the Christian Science movement
were both founded in 1875.
So, what did these three periods have in common?
A common feature is exploration and the seeking of scientific knowledge, which is interesting, since it is
very apparent that we are in the middle of huge advancements in scientific exploration now. Captain Cook’s expeditions, with their painstaking recording of information on species marked a leap forward in the history of human inquisitiveness and
acquisition of knowledge.
The most common theme is revolution. In the 17th century it was about scientific revolution which the Catholic Church could no longer contain. In the 18th century it was about an industrial
revolution in Britain and the preludes to a government revolution in America. In the 19th century a technological or electrical revolution began.
Venus transits always occur in Gemini and Sagittarius alternately - an axis that is all about exploration and the gathering of knowledge for books in an effort to gain gnosis and superior
understanding. Religion and spiritual questioning is associated with the sign of Sagittarius and each of the eras has some notable milestones concerning issues of faith. We are heading for a Spiritual Revolution by the looks of it.
Source: Elements of Oneness